Helping people discover, trust, and love Jesus Christ.

04/05/2020 - Call to Pray

Apr 5, 2020    Jason Deuman    Matthew 21:1-16; 2 Chronicles 7:14

Groups Questions

ICEBREAKER: What is something that has brought you joy and comfort during this season?

Read Matthew 21:1-11
Why is Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem so highly anticipated by the people? Hosanna means, “God, save us!” What were the people hoping to be saved from?

Read Matthew 21:12-13
What was Jesus upset about here? Why did Jesus drive them out? This series is called, turning over tables. What are some of the things that Jesus may need to turn over in our hearts? In our churches?

Read Matthew 21:14-16
What happens after Jesus drives out the money changers and people selling animals? Why would people be upset about what Jesus had done? What is Jesus response the their indignation?

What can we do to help lead others to worship Jesus? In this passage, the children are praising God. Why might this be significant? Last week Pastor Joshua talked about reaching the next generation. What can we do to help make sure that there is always room for young people in our community? What can we do to make sure that there is always room for people who are vulnerable?

How can we pray for each other this week?